Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This girl I have known for most of my life is really sick. I've been worried about her many times but never this bad. An infection in her meds line that goes to her heart is infected and she also has a blood infection. This is scary...
Makes me remember a million things about her and I, so I have decided to dedicate this one to Her!
I met this girl in high school... she was a year younger and 10 years younger in innocence til I came along. She sat directly behind me and believe it or not, my husband sat the next one to her.. I could not stand either one...lol... makes me laugh now because they have become a part of me, not only family but a physical part. I thought she was a snob when I first met her and people would tell me she is a tattle-tale. Me being a "cool kid" had nothing to do with her.. I hung with those who were like me, experienced in life and mature. Until one day...
She had never said a word to me in the months I sat behind her.. the first words she asked me is "Are you a virgin because I am and I am not sure if I want to have sex with my boyfriend" I was in shock for many reasons.. weird ice-breaker and the fact this snobby girl who looked so innocent was pondering virginity.. I sat there stunned, staring at her and busted out laughing... she took that as a mean way to answer and said excuuuuuse me...Made me laugh even more.. during lunch I explained it was not a mean response but more of a SHOCK as we had never spoken...I talked her outa having sex and then the relationship began,,,
We bought presents for each other weekly, we went shopping and wore the same clothes on the same day (just different colors) we made plans together all the time..
I had her over one night for a sleep-over and I was responsible for her first "high and drinking"
We smoked pot and had a few drinks... and felt pretty wasted and this commercial came on for Rolaids, as we laid there staring at the ship toss and turn for the Rolaids commercial, she blurted out, We're berries on a ship and genuinely freaked out... I believed her and my fear was rising. I had to stand up and get off the boat but all I could say was " I cannot feel my feet, I cant walk" at some point we passed out and after a two day hangover we laughed about it... berries on a ship became our secret code... if we were talking on the phone and parents might have been listening all we said were those three words and knew we had to keep our conversation clean and innocent...makes me laugh!!!! We had our own two finger wave that meant hi, bye and I love you all in one motion. We were inseparable.. and we loved and fought hard with each other.
This poor girl Jennifer at our school was the one when Sherrie and I got mad at each other would befriend as quickly as possible trying to beat the other one to her...lol... and as soon as we made up, Jennifer no longer fit in ( I feel bad about that) but it went on for two years...

We shared a lot of new experiences together... her passion was horseback riding.. she took me, and within 5 minutes I was being kicked by the horse next to me, in the whole group I had the only male and the mares didn't like him...lololol... they each kicked my horse and much of the time it was where my foot was... I was no so excited at that point but faked my excitement as to not look like a chicken... 20 minutes later my horse went into a full 100 MPH run... I screamed the whole way... then all the sudden, he bucked and I landed.. I was hurt and was not able to breathe because I hit so hard... I had a bruise that covered my back and had to sit for a week on my knees...never went riding again....

She and I, even through a lot of not talking over the years are still best girlfriends... we can still finish each other sentences and know how the other one feels on site... we can still not sit together in a serious situation because we will glance at each other and laugh uncontrollably... to this day!

This is my Sher Bear and I love her....

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