Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Deal or no Deal?

neurotic -
mentally maladjusted

aberrant, abnormal, anxious, basket case, bundle of nerves, choked, clutched, compulsive, deviant, disordered, disoriented, distraught, disturbed, erratic, hung up, hysteric, inhibited, manic, nervous, nervous wreck, obsessive, overwrought, psycho neurotic, unhealthy, unstable, upset, uptight, wired

Post traumatic stress disorder :

condition following trauma
PTSD, PTSS, battle fatigue, delayed-stress disorder, delayed-stress syndrome, post-traumatic stress syndrome, railway spine, shell-shock, trauma


worry, tension
all-overs, angst, ants in pants, apprehension, botheration, butterflies, care, cold sweat, concern, creeps, disquiet, disquietude, distress, doubt, downer, drag*, dread, fidgets, flap, foreboding, fretfulness, fuss, goose bumps, heebie-jeebies, jitters, jumps, misery, misgiving, mistrust, nail-biting, needles, nervousness, panic, pins and needles, restlessness, shakes, shivers, solicitude, suffering, suspense, sweat*, trouble, uncertainty, unease, uneasiness, watchfulness, willies, worriment


abasement, abjection, abjectness, blahs, bleakness, blue funk, bummer, cheerlessness, dejection, desolation, desperation, despondency, disconsolation, discouragement, dispiritedness, distress, dole, dolefulness, dolor, downheartedness, dreariness, dullness, dumps, ennui, gloom, gloominess, heaviness of heart, heavyheartedness, hopelessness, lowness, lugubriosity, melancholia, melancholy, misery, mortification, qualm, sadness, sorrow, the blues, trouble, unhappiness, vapors, woefulness, worry

Obsessions or compulsions that are not due to medical illness or drug use
Obsessions or compulsions that cause major distress or interfere with everyday life
An example of obsessive-compulsive disorder is excessive, repeated hand washing to ward off infection.
The person usually recognizes that the behavior is excessive or unreasonable.
Obsessions or compulsions that are not due to medical illness or drug use
Obsessions or compulsions that cause major distress or interfere with everyday life
An example of obsessive-compulsive disorder is excessive, repeated hand washing to ward off infection.
The person usually recognizes that the behavior is excessive or unreasonable.

I understand that the people in my life have a lot to take on. I am not your normal, everyday depressed, suicidal, fat Christian... seems that this "onion" has more layers than I thought possible.

The ideation of suicide is impossible to stop, for instance... my black widow nest. It was a passing but serious thought of how it would seem to be an accident, no questions asked. Hoarding pills that I had bought for the "perfect time" throwing them out and telling my husband about them (HUGE STEP!!)

My children dealing with an emotional, Self deprecating mother who had not learned simple mothering techniques from my mom...

Friends who have to worry and wonder if it's worth it?

My husband that is scared and probably tired from all my stupid mood swings... so, I ask the question.. Deal or no deal?

Can you deal? Is it possible that dealing will one day pay off? Or will I end up being that case that is holding only penny?

If the "No Deal" button is pressed... I will have to deal and will have to watch the cases open slowly and anticipating the dreaded penny as being my fate or worth.

Only time will tell........

1 comment:

  1. I like the multiple meanings in the use of the word "deal". From cards (why was I dealt this hand?) to circumstance (what kind of deal did I get into this time?) to chance (Monty Hall's what's behind door number three?). In most cases it connotates that you have a choice in the matter - fold your hand or bet, opting out of trying to stay alive or giving in or selecting doors 1 or 2 instead. Life's a crapshoot but some people are dealt more crap than others. My philosophy of it all being an accident of nature and thus absurd is not your opinion of life and I'm glad it's not. I'm not amoral, I'm not nihilistic - if I were then life would be chaos. Because chaos is fair and we all know that there certainly is no fairness in life. I'm glad you are a defiant person, Vick. I think it is what I like about you the most. M
