Monday, September 5, 2011

Okay, A year later?

Been a while since my last confession, I mean, Blogging.... I'm not even Catholic, what am I thinking!?
Not thinking is a better word.
The last year has been a hard one. Almost lost my best friend to kidney failure, I started back at Mediconnect and was treated like crap there and left.

Back to cutting myself... was not sleeping and decided it was time to GO back in.. I made the decision this time to get help.

I have a new "mental illness to add to the list of crazy" It's called....*coughcough*
Borderline Personality Disorder. If you have not followed my blog let me fill you in.
1 - Depression
2 - Suicidal
3 - PTSD
4 - ADD
5 - OCD
6- Insomnia
7 - now, as mentioned above, BPD!
I think that's it, I probably have to go back and see what else if any because I am also losing memory as I sit here... wait!? what did I say??

So, I was in a psych ward, not allowed to smoke (not good when ya wanna die!)
Food was gross and no coffee or Dr. Pepper! Why not!???
So if I ever feel this way again, I know to go to a hotel.... haha
Juuuuust a joke!

I have to give my new meds a chance, find a way to make my head stop all the pointless chattering. (no, I do not have Schizophrenia) I don't think so anyway? Have not been given this diagnosis that I can remember.

Okay, I was talking about this year....
My friend is better and is now living with us and he is improving every day.. an answer to a LOT of prayers.
My kids are doing pretty good. Prayer answered
Finances are terrible, but I pray for a miracle everyday.

I have pushed a lot of my friends to a lengthy distance and have a lot to do before I can socialize again. But I will get there *crossing all toes and fingers*

Stay alive!

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