Well, it happened to me... I was the Rare, Severe, get your butt to the ER NOW!
I went in thinking I had an infection and it got worse from there...
I went to the ER after sending out a FB poll on what to do, after being seen in the hospital and was sent home clueless as to what was going on with me.
It was all okay.... just a "panic attack" So, I went home, took my meds and went to sleep for a few hours.
When my husband (Todd) woke me up to see how I was, I could not make a word... if I did make a word I could not stop saying it ... like IIIIII
I had the face drooping on one side, a headache that was so painful I could not sleep, stuttering, not making sense. My brain was hearing my words clearly but when they passed through my lips it was if I was speaking in a foreign language.
I was terrified, went again to the hospital. We were certain I had a stroke.. EVERY effect I was feeling was a mirror to having a stroke.
After a very terrifying CT scan and 45 minutes waiting we learned it was not a stroke. (Praise God)
Next action: Rule out heart issues:
All was okay there!
Next Action: CALM VICKIE DOWN! The more upset I got the more I stuttered...
They realized that two of my medications were at fault. One more than the other. The fact that I have Gastro Pareses and do not digest like normal people the drug was building up in my system for days.
I am still very shaky, involuntary movement of my arms and legs, terrible ache in my muscles because of the constant movement.
This post took me two days to compose!
I urge you all to research ANY new medications, and if your dose has been increased. Make sure you look at all drug interactions, look at people who should NOT take or who should be on a lower dose. The severity of not paying attention can be fatal. Had I waited and thought this to be a "panic attack" and continued taking my meds I would be in a coma or dead.
hhhhhave a gggreat ddday!