Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stock Market / up or down?

Wall Street starts off with the ringing of a bell, or the stock market does. Is followed by a lot of clapping, yelling and running in a chaotic motion. Angry faces, sometimes a smile.
You see the numbers climbing or falling that day or that minute. It is quite interesting to watch. The way it inches in either direction, the anticipation on the faces of each person below, how their mood will be affected by how the numbers do.
My day starts off with my alarm bell going off. Is followed by a lot of yawning and yelling (kids not happy to awaken) and running around the house in chaotic motions.
We watch each others faces to see what mood the other is in so we know how we are going to react. The mood inches slowly in either direction.
Depression starts off with alarms going off, followed by yelling, crying and the mind going in a million directions in a chaotic mess. You watch the world around you experience true emotions, either up or down and most the time its for a good reason. A solid reason. The anticipation of how the next hour and how to cope is always present.
Now, if only I could take a mental break and go on strike and force those little demons outa my head I would. I think anyone who suffers from depression would.
Isn’t it funny at how everyday life can be mimicked to something like the DOW!?

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