Friday, September 16, 2011

Common Side Effects, Less Common Side Effects, Rare Side Effects, Severe Side Effects:

Well, it happened to me... I was the Rare, Severe, get your butt to the ER NOW!

I went in thinking I had an infection and it got worse from there...

I went to the ER after sending out a FB poll on what to do, after being seen in the hospital and was sent home clueless as to what was going on with me.
It was all okay.... just a "panic attack" So, I went home, took my meds and went to sleep for a few hours.

When my husband (Todd) woke me up to see how I was, I could not make a word... if I did make a word I could not stop saying it ... like IIIIII
I had the face drooping on one side, a headache that was so painful I could not sleep, stuttering, not making sense. My brain was hearing my words clearly but when they passed through my lips it was if I was speaking in a foreign language.

I was terrified, went again to the hospital. We were certain I had a stroke.. EVERY effect I was feeling was a mirror to having a stroke.

After a very terrifying CT scan and 45 minutes waiting we learned it was not a stroke. (Praise God)

Next action: Rule out heart issues:

All was okay there!

Next Action: CALM VICKIE DOWN! The more upset I got the more I stuttered...

They realized that two of my medications were at fault. One more than the other. The fact that I have Gastro Pareses and do not digest like normal people the drug was building up in my system for days.

I am still very shaky, involuntary movement of my arms and legs, terrible ache in my muscles because of the constant movement.
This post took me two days to compose!
I urge you all to research ANY new medications, and if your dose has been increased. Make sure you look at all drug interactions, look at people who should NOT take or who should be on a lower dose. The severity of not paying attention can be fatal. Had I waited and thought this to be a "panic attack" and continued taking my meds I would be in a coma or dead.

hhhhhave a gggreat ddday!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is it Happenstance?

Have you ever sat there is your self loathing, pity party and someone worse off walks into your life? It's kind of like getting hit on the head with a brick, for a moment you feel very normal and so very sane! and soooo happy to be alive!! its like a super high, the kind ya get from chocolate or well.... other things...."dot dot dot"
You get to be the listening to the sad story, the one NOT crying, NOT feeling, you are holding their hand and offering comfort and feeling a mixture of pleasure and fear. Pleasure at the fact you re finally the "normal one" and fear of when you will be the "freak" again.
People do not understand depression, bi-polar disorder, PTSD, OCD... I could go on and on but I don't want to waste an hour of my day listing all the mental illness'. People have to be educated, how does this happen? We have so many different organizations for breast cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses we need to have more done and more advocates for those suffering with a mental or emotional illness.
Okay, done ranting....
Happenstance... I like that word, I like the thought.
For instance, we bought a puppy a few months ago, he is a mixture of two labs, yellow and black so he looks like a Rotty, he is adorable. There were 7 males to choose from. I sat on the ground and let all these pups crawl all over me and there was this one who did not leave me when his mommy was let out of the house, he didn't care his brothers were all with their mom, he stayed with me, pulling my hair, biting my shoes. It was love at first bite!
Now, a few months later, and many bite marks on my shoes, bags... my BRA, I am wondering what I saw in this little brown eyed guy.
I watch him, his tail is ALWAYS wagging, he looks like he is always smiling and I absolutely love him. It was happenstance that day, because my eyes were drawn to a pure black lab but this lil man grabbed my heart!
Okay... so, now.................... not so sure....

Monday, September 5, 2011

Toxic Work Environment and Depression

In the past 8 months I have left two jobs. One I absolutely loved, but was so toxic it was making me sick physically and emotionally.
While sitting in the waiting room of ICU my manager at Mediconnect was texting me, yep. TEXTING me that if I did not return to work I would be written up. I had explained that this person was like a dad to me and I would make up my time and to please just wait until I got back to the office to have this conversation. So unprofessional. How did I react? I quit.
I had such respect and admiration for so many people in that company and realize that they are heartless.
In my attempt at getting back out there, I thought I would give a shot at Burger King... an easy, fun and fast paced job while I repaired the damage Mediconnect caused. But no, being paid 8.00 an hour I was faced with a bully of a manager who would yell at me and at customers. She actually had the audacity to tell me I piss her off after I had an issue with an order change. The customer said it was her fault but my bully manager just walked away...
I am seeing a very sad trend. Depression and Toxic work environments combined with terrible unethical managers.
I hold to the hope there are people, companies, owners, managers, CEO's that have integrity, heart and honest. I hope that if I start my own business I will hold to these values.
I know jobs are hard to find at the moment but being treated poorly to the point of depression and causing you to be sick is not worth it. Leave and never look back.

Okay, A year later?

Been a while since my last confession, I mean, Blogging.... I'm not even Catholic, what am I thinking!?
Not thinking is a better word.
The last year has been a hard one. Almost lost my best friend to kidney failure, I started back at Mediconnect and was treated like crap there and left.

Back to cutting myself... was not sleeping and decided it was time to GO back in.. I made the decision this time to get help.

I have a new "mental illness to add to the list of crazy" It's called....*coughcough*
Borderline Personality Disorder. If you have not followed my blog let me fill you in.
1 - Depression
2 - Suicidal
3 - PTSD
4 - ADD
5 - OCD
6- Insomnia
7 - now, as mentioned above, BPD!
I think that's it, I probably have to go back and see what else if any because I am also losing memory as I sit here... wait!? what did I say??

So, I was in a psych ward, not allowed to smoke (not good when ya wanna die!)
Food was gross and no coffee or Dr. Pepper! Why not!???
So if I ever feel this way again, I know to go to a hotel.... haha
Juuuuust a joke!

I have to give my new meds a chance, find a way to make my head stop all the pointless chattering. (no, I do not have Schizophrenia) I don't think so anyway? Have not been given this diagnosis that I can remember.

Okay, I was talking about this year....
My friend is better and is now living with us and he is improving every day.. an answer to a LOT of prayers.
My kids are doing pretty good. Prayer answered
Finances are terrible, but I pray for a miracle everyday.

I have pushed a lot of my friends to a lengthy distance and have a lot to do before I can socialize again. But I will get there *crossing all toes and fingers*

Stay alive!