Monday, December 14, 2009

Beer and a Bible

I celebrated my birthday yesterday and my day started at church....
How often I don't talk to those I love about really living sat in. How can I talk to someone about God with a beer in one hand and the Bible in the other? I would always think "one more party to go to then I'll be a good Christian woman" the parties just kept coming, my excuse was "this is the last time"

My love for those that are close to me is nothing if I do not share what God has done for us... He died for me... for you... what in this life is worth anything??

Those who doubt God, His sacrifice for us, His birth and the Cross need to hear what I have to say.

It is not by works, it is through Christ alone that we enter the kingdom of heaven.

Yes, my friend... I am talking to YOU.... my love goes beyond this life and into the next.... listen to me... I love you!!


  1. I think, my friend, that you will still be trying to convince me on your 82nd birthday when you're visiting me at the Home For Wayward Old Farts. And I love you for it. Without your love and honesty and sincerity I couldn't make it. (I'll be 96 years old then, by the way).

  2. Please listen to me... If you love me!
