I am so amazed at the people who can blog every day! I cannot find the energy or the words to say everyday!!
So, thinking of the movie Paranormal activity, I started thinking of the root words, or it's origin.
If you have Paranormal activity is it possible to have Paranormal inactivity? That is what I have! Nothing at all strange happens. I guess that is a good thing because my faith says there is no in- between. Yikes! Think about it.. if you have some activity could it be ???
Or could it be the side effects of Prozac? haha. Think about it. If I try to go off my meds in hopes that I am cured, I have some pretty strange things happen to me and if I was back in the day and living in Salem I am positive I would have been burned and called a witch!
So, I am thinking Prozac isn't so bad today! Have you taken all your meds? Have you looked up everything you take to make sure you have a plan to go off them correctly?
Have a great day!! :-)